The usernames are Templaric- and GgG-Templar, but i'm more often on GgG-Templar. Love playing the war games(Civil war maps, Diplomacy B&I, Strategic Warfare maps, etc.). If you're good at a certain civil war map, campaign virginia give me a whisper I havn't found anyone who can beat me on it
Hi, I'm Screwed.

Enjoy your stay. The kiwis are sexy.

Hi welcome to Staredit Network.
You will be offered a kiwi pretty soon.
Welcome to SEN. If anyone picks on you just point to my siggy!

Do you want a kiwi TO RULE THEM ALL ?
If you have the kiwi TO RULE THEM ALL I'll take it.
The fresh milk makes the kiwi's go away!

Why is it whenever someone comes to SEN we greet them with kiwis?
G'Day welcome to forum enjoy your stay and reject the kiwi it is evil.