Ok, I just found this while playing with the unused upgrades. Most people know that "unused 60" upgrades turrets,scv,probe,drone,cannon,infested terran, spider mine. But it also increase the damage done by psi storm!
So go into starforge and set it to 255 base, and the storm will do 256 (since it does 1 dmg normaly, when you put 255, it is added to the 1). So you can make a storm which does 256 no armour save! Pretty neat huh?
I never even knew that it upgraded turrets, scvs, etc... but it also was never posted before. Exactly what unused upgrades do what?
The unused upgrades act as normal upgrades. However you cant minipulate them in game. So if you set "unused 60" under upgrades to 255, and then set the attack of one of the affected units. (Turret,Cannon,Scv,Probe,Drone,SpiderMine,InfestedTerran,SpiderMine,Sporecolony,SunkenColony,And the unused I think its the gunship.) If you set the properties for the upgrades on those units it will go up to what ever you set the upgrades too.
I.E. if you set the attack bonus of the scv to 2, and the upgrade to 2, the scv will do whatever it does normally+4.
People won't really notice a 256 dmg psi storm.
If I put say 10 upgrades in Psi Storm does this mean it will do 10 dmg?
What are the upgrade lists for the non-upgradeable units? I just have to make the first map with upgraded non-upgradeable units in b.net.(Special Ops)
wow that awsome didnt even know there was upgrades like that
is it possable to make Dark swarm or Plaug last longer and do more dmg?
Gees, I thought people new what the list was for some reason. Well, I know of one other map maker that knows about this, the dude who made I S D. But Ive know this list for over a year. If you put 10 upgrades it will do 11, since it already does a base dmg of 1, I believe.
As of yet I have not explored the other upgrades. But I dont know. I doubt there is one that makes it last longer, But I dont know for sure. I cant believe Blizzard left all this cool stuff out. Heh. I believe this may work on dark swarm!
The base damage for Psioinc Storm is 14. The "unused upgrade" is the upgrade used for everything that doesn't not have either weapon or armor.
It only works on the SCV and Psionic Storm since they have a factor of 1. The factor is how much each upgrade adds. It doesn't work on Dark Swarm since it has a factor of 0. Everything else besides the two listed above have a factor of 0.
It also upgrades armor on any unit that does not have an armor upgrade already. E.G. Buildings.
(If you get into modding you'll probably already know how this all works.)
I meant Pleague, Oh and by the way it does work on all the listed above.... Did you look at the map? It works. Ive tested it to make sure the dmg is real.
Plague still does the same damage, it is only Psi Storm that has a difference.
StealthyDeath> If the bonus damage is changed on the scv, spore colony, etc, it will add that ammount for every upgrade.
Navilin> You never changed the bonus damage in the map, so it remained 0.
ok so i tryed this out and its awsome
any clue on what those otehr unused do?
QUOTE(Ðeathknight @ Jan 2 2005, 06:06 PM)
Plague still does the same damage, it is only Psi Storm that has a difference.
StealthyDeath> If the bonus damage is changed on the scv, spore colony, etc, it will add that ammount for every upgrade.
Navilin> You never changed the bonus damage in the map, so it remained 0.
Yeah I guess I did skip over that. So I guess it will work after all on units/buildings only.
QUOTE(Oni-Sei @ Jan 2 2005, 06:18 PM)
is it possable to make Dark swarm or Plaug last longer and do more dmg?
To Make Dark Swarm Last Longer Do a Trigger Like this.
Current PLayer Commands at Least 1 Dark Swarm
Give All Dark Swarm Owned by Current Player at Anywhere to "(Computer Player, Neutral Player, or Human Player with Dark Swarm Disabled.)
Then Make a Trigger to Remove the Dark Swarm When you Feel Like it.
I First Noticed this was possible after playing Padoraths return rpg. It Allows you to make Dark Swarms and it'll Create Zerglings(Maulers). However the Dark Swarm Lost Effect Because he gave the Dark Swarm to a Neutral Player without editing Player Properties. Just a Tip for you
Hmm way cool Navilin, thanks for enlightening us non-mod makers, hehe
. Its nice that doesn't crash games on b.net too
hmm thanks for teh info Tdnfthe1 that seems like it will work
iv been playing with this and teh most is like 359 dmg right?
can it do Negative dmg? like to HEAL lol that would rule
Uhhh unless something changed in the last few months dark swarm isn't owned by the player that creates it, much like distuption field, so i am not sure those triggers would work.
Do you have any idea how awesome it is to set unused 60 to 255 for player one in team micro arena? Rigged! Oh my god it's so fun running around storming poor unsuspecting newbies and watching them explode INSTANTLY.
this could be used for cats & mice where cats got 10000+ hit points, and that storm dont do anything normally, or for make a "super-unirt" that cost a lot ??
Has anyone tried the give unit method, to give upgrades away? It works for scarab damage... and would be extremely useful in a map if it worked.
I didnt know anything you said but now i do!! yaaay nice