First, if you don't know I'm LiQuiD(U)
Our new member, T0urMenteuR(U) has found a way to make "hologram" units he calls em like this.. those units can be stacked in game and you can walk over the zerg building builded by hologram drones its pretty cool i tried to move 2 hologram sunken one over another.. but it doesnt work :-( but this new technic offer much possibilities (ex: sunken D where u cant wall) t0urmenteur(U) is currently makin a sunken d using hologram drones and normal drones. u can make new maze possibilities..
Any comments? Idea?
You mean using the stacked units thing to make sunkens walk throughable? That sounds like a really neat idea. It would require a lot of sprites though, unless I am thinking of the wrong method.
its a cool concept but it is almost usless enless you put units inbetween teh gaps but soonor later they will get attacked
no longer can you stack on Creep so yea
Perhaps you should tell how it is done. Most people don't already know, and that's what this forum is for.
So thats what t0urmenteur was saying to you in french in that channel. You know he whispers to you via friends list and I can understand a bit of French so I have a small idea of whats going on.
Anyways, damn T0urmenteur continues to amaze me, i sure hope he joins SEN Mapmaking team.
BTW: Liquid did he tell you how's it done?
Sounds like to me your just talking about Sprites.
toGikon used this trick when making a sunken defense looong ago, maybe a year or longer ago...but he never got to finish the map.

This sounds cool but could you include more details, are these "hologram" units just sprites or is there some triggering involved to make them this way or what, please post a screen shot.
How do you join SEN Map Making Team?
P.S. 2
What does P.S. stand for?
P.S. stands for Post Scriptum (its latin)
umm ya hologram = sprites but u need a trigger:
first the sprites must be with the "Disable??" properties
then.. u enable it, u order it to move sumwhere, and you give it to the player (all these must be done in fog of war)
It's pretty easy
About the Post Scriptum..
When you add a second P.S. after the first you should call it P.P.S. (Post Post Scriptum)
P.S. I know this post is useless
P.P.S. I know this post has nothing to do with the main subject
P.P.P.S. I know I'm currently abusing the Post Scriptum thingy
P.P.P.P.S. as you can see, you can use as many "P"s you want...
P.P.P.P.P.S. In latin, "Post" means "after"
P.P.P.P.P.P.S. and "Scriptum" means "something that is writen"
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. thanks for reading all these almost useless informations
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. ;-)
Lol thanks i'll try this
PS : im french
PPS : t0urmenteur(U) wasnt t0urmenteur[SC] before ? if yes i know one of his friend -_-