Staredit Network

Staredit Network -> Website Feedback, Bugs & Discussion -> Fix the Random Map Making tips
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MillenniumArmy on 2005-01-04 at 20:16:00
Some of those random map making tips there contain pure junk. Let me show a few:

Don't play with matches unless you're trying to set Moose's house (cardboard box) on fire.

What the hell? That's not a map making tip. That's just plainly immature and has nothing to do with map making.

Staredit Network hosts all the up-to-date map making tools and required files you possibily need in the Downloads Database.

Again, this is NOT a map making tip. This should be somewhere else, like the frontpage or the DLDB front page.

Map Grammar: Thier is a possessive adjective. They're is a contraction of "They are".

First of all, Thier is spelled Their. Secondly, this is a tip on english, not map making.

Over-excessive flaming of players is unadvised. An example of this would be "OMG YOU LOST YOU SUCK DONT PLAY AGAIN" or something similar. After all, aren't people playing your map to have fun?.

This is more like "Game play ettiquet" not map making tips

You want to make the player feel as much as possible as they are in where you want them to be. If the player is supposed to be in a spaceship, then space terrain and interactive mechanical equipment will do you good.

Common sense for all map makers of all different levels.

Creating a trigger owned by a force is exactly the same thing as creating the exact same trigger for each of the players in that force.

Again, common sense. This could also be put in the tutorials

Map Grammar: Your is a possessive adjective. You're is a contraction of "You are".

Not map making tip. Same reason as 3rd quote

When using those unused units and structures to make your map look flashy, make sure they don't crash Starcraft.

Well duh, Even if u place normal units, u have to make sure they dont crash.

Cool trick: Pylon glows (sprites) and zerg creep (terrain tiles) are both placable in a map editor. Either Starforge or SCMDraft work well for this. They will only be asthetic, though, as they are placed as sprites and won't function in the game. The pylon glow, though, could be used to produce a nifty "heavenly" or "underwater" effect, if used correctly.

Belongs in Tutorial Database.

I think there are more dumb ones but these i mentioned are ones that i caught.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KaboomHahahein on 2005-01-04 at 20:35:19
SEN doesn't have to be pure seriousness so they can throw in a few jokes. And map making involves making you map better. Which means the spelling of your map and etc should be better. They, I think, only need to correct some spelling.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-01-04 at 20:51:39
What the hell? That's not a map making tip. That's just plainly immature and has nothing to do with map making.

Blizzard does the same thing in their games. Who really cares?

Again, this is NOT a map making tip. This should be somewhere else, like the frontpage or the DLDB front page.

Sure it is. A different editor can help with the creation of a map. It can also help you make it better.

This is more like "Game play ettiquet" not map making tips

I think this was refering to the message players recieve when they have lost.

First of all, Thier is spelled Their. Secondly, this is a tip on english, not map making.

You are correct on the spelling, but considering most people making maps can't even past a basic english test ... I would call that a map making tip.

Not map making tip. Same reason as 3rd quote

Same as previous quote. tongue.gif

Belongs in Tutorial Database.

Things like that let people know that downloading the other editors might be a good idea.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Chill on 2005-01-04 at 21:54:06
First of all, Thier is spelled Their. Secondly, this is a tip on english, not map making.

It's a joke, smartone.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2005-01-04 at 22:10:02
Damn, Chu said pretty much what I was going to say.

Oh well... I can still say some, I guess.
And, also, I think something that would be more appropriate would be complaining about the name of the tips.
You could say to call it 'Random Tip That Helps In Map Making Somehow', because I think that it's a good idea to have those there.
And besides, who actualy reads all those tips, except the people who need to know that kinda crap?

What the hell? That's not a map making tip. That's just plainly immature and has nothing to do with map making.

That's one joke. I don't see anything wrong with 1 joke, and it's not like people pay much attention to the map making tips anyways.

Again, this is NOT a map making tip. This should be somewhere else, like the frontpage or the DLDB front page.

Well, first off, it's a way of telling people that SEN is your friend... to come here whenever you need a file.
Secondly, there are people that don't even know there are other programs.

First of all, Thier is spelled Their. Secondly, this is a tip on english, not map making.

yse and crppy l,ooking maps thwt ar barly reeduble r good and be ketp and fixing the rprblem wouldn't do nothign1!!1!! god you're comment is stupid, its like not good!!11!
For some people like me, it gets unbelievably frustrating to know that the mapping world is dominated by people who have such bad english that they don't know when to use 'too', 'to', 'two', 'their,' 'there', 'they're', 'its' and 'it's'.

This is more like "Game play ettiquet" not map making tips
As Chu said, it was referring to map-comments.
I've noticed that in some maps, especiially unprofessional ones, you might see something like:
"omg you died wtf you must suck balls go suck your moms censored.gif and dont play again noobb!!!!!!!!".

Again, common sense. This could also be put in the tutorials
However, this is soemthing that not everyone knows, so I feel it's appropriate.

Common sense for all map makers of all different levels.
Well, then you'd be surprised how many maps have amazingly inappropriate and seemingly random terrain choices. As much as this should be normal, there are many, many maps in which the terrain is as I described above.

Not map making tip. Same reason as 3rd quote
I've already answered this... atleast, something very, very close.

Well duh, Even if u place normal units, u have to make sure they dont crash.
Well, lots of people have problems with sprites crashing. Many probably don't even realize that potential danger they pose.

Belongs in Tutorial Database.
Not really.
Some people don't know this, and so it might be a good idea to tell them.
Personally, I hate ugly maps. And having the ability to create terrain and colors that match more environments allows for more possibilites; something very important for Rpg's.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MillenniumArmy on 2005-01-04 at 23:40:28
Right, but it specifically said Random Map Making Tip so i thought it would've been more appropriate for all of the tips to have something to do with the actual process of making a map.

Yea, ok a couple jokes and the spelling stuff is fine i guess since i didnt realize how many dumbasses there are on who cant spell censored.gif , but in particular the first one i quoted...

That's just pure gayness. If someone that wasnt from SEN just decided to visit our site, the first thing they'd see are the random map making tips. If they just so happen to see a retarded one, they'll have an immediate low impression about us. We want to look good; we'd do anything to set our levels high.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ShadowBrood on 2005-01-05 at 00:33:20
Millenium, dude, all that stuff applies. You wouldn't believe the amount of censored.gif I've seen on One map I saw but I forgot what it was where you were on Terra in a forest, but for some god damn reason, it had Desert Terrain.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by DT_Battlekruser on 2005-01-05 at 01:02:38
Let's throw them all out! [/sarcasm]

Got any replacements?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by -BW-Map_God on 2005-01-05 at 01:35:53
The only really stupid one is the matches thing...what if it's the first thing someone sees when they come to this site. Might it possibly make them wonder about the quality of help/tips they will receive? I dunno, just a thought.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2005-01-05 at 11:44:43
Creating a trigger owned by a force is exactly the same thing as creating the exact same trigger for each of the players in that force.

Again, common sense. This could also be put in the tutorials

Thats one of the best tips there. If it is so much common since then howcome 80% of peoples 'bugs' are because people do not realize this. In fact i just had an "advanced" mapmaker PM me today stating that it is incorrect, that it needed rephrasing.

I think the grammor ones should just be one tip.
"Use correct grammor, your maps look stupid if you don't" (not word for word)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-01-05 at 14:37:51
The grammar ones are there for a reason. I actually have seen maps where the mapper the renamed "Guardian" to "gardian", even though spelled in the editor already. People really are that stupid.
Anyway, anyone making thier first visit who sees a tip about matches burning my house down and gets pissed enough to leave does so, then good for them. They would just get pissed about some other minor issue and start flaming about it. I'd rather let them leave themselves than have me do it for them.
Yes, I do realize some of Yoshi's older tips can be wordy. I'll go through them again and try to do some fixing.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-01-05 at 17:20:24
Creating a trigger owned by a force is exactly the same thing as creating the exact same trigger for each of the players in that force.

Again, common sense. This could also be put in the tutorials

Actually, it is in the tutorials v_v
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MillenniumArmy on 2005-01-05 at 17:21:48
Yea, thats what i meant pinch.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Mini Moose 2707 on 2005-01-05 at 20:03:50
Don't play with matches unless you're trying to set Moose's house (cardboard box) on fire.

Actually, it was originally "Don't play with matches". This was created as a test tip by Yoshi. I just added to it because I thought it was stupid too. tongue.gif

I'm currently going through the tips, removing some, adding some, rephrasing the long ones, etc. Point out any further changes you want.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by (U)Bolt_Head on 2005-01-05 at 20:37:04
QUOTE(LegacyWeapon @ Jan 5 2005, 04:20 PM)
Actually, it is in the tutorials v_v

As the famous Sen quote goes
"We have a tutorial for everything"

So if we really do have one for everything why would we have the tips at all if your concered that it is also covered in the tutorials. Eventually every tip would be replaced with "check out the tutorial section for tips"

Oh yeah Moose uhh ADDITION:

add this tip very few people are aware of it . . .

In both SCM Draft and Starforge you can increase and decrease your terrain brush size by pressing - and + on your keyboard.

Its veryusefull in my opinion (that and I'm proud cause it was my idea and i got them both to add it to there editor. lol)
Report, edit, etc...Posted by KaboomHahahein on 2005-01-05 at 20:45:52
Actually the famous SEN quote is

"We have tutorials for everything!" tongue.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-01-06 at 17:24:16
QUOTE(KaboomHahahein @ Jan 5 2005, 08:45 PM)
Actually the famous SEN quote is

"We have tutorials for everything!" tongue.gif

Actually, that's my quote, not SEN's. But you can buy it off me for some mins...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by EzDay281 on 2005-01-06 at 20:01:52
"Anyway, anyone making thier first visit who sees a tip about matches burning my house down and gets pissed enough to leave does so, then good for them. They would just get pissed about some other minor issue and start flaming about it. I'd rather let them leave themselves than have me do it for them."

Similar to what I say.
If they're the kind of person who would judge us as bad for something such as that, then they're probably too stupid, shortsighted, or biased to be worth our time or energy anyway.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by MapUnprotector on 2005-01-06 at 20:16:54
I find those tips quite funny and if I was here for the first time I would think that this site was cool and would take more time to look at it because you guys have a sense of humor, but then after looking through it I would realize you are all gay. jk about the last part wink.gif

lol that guy spelling gardian wrong is funny, its like some people that join clan ScVz, we tell them make name with ScV_, I've seen them make scv_, scv-,scvz_,sCv_,and so much more. Some people are just retarded -.-
Report, edit, etc...Posted by chuiu on 2005-01-07 at 02:23:12
If you use a computer AI script, the computer won't always use resources to make buildings/units. They start with a predetermined amount to use before going into actual costs. This can be verified through a replay.

Not all AI's start with minerals and gas. If I remember correctly most start with 0 ore and gas. And specifically INSANE AI starts with exactly 2000 minerals and ore.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA_Max71 on 2005-01-07 at 02:59:30
Actually, I think the most famouse quote in SEN is "OMGOMGOMG WTF IS CAMO, HE'S MR.CAMO OMGOMGOMG WARN HIM WTF". Camo Started it by changing his name to Mr.Camo, yoshi then said, "OMGOMGOMG WTF IS CAMO, HE'S MR.CAMO OMGOMGOMG WARN HIM WTF", and from there that thread become spam....

here is the link: (please don't delete it, I really like that topic!)
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