Damn, Chu said pretty much what I was going to say.
Oh well... I can still say some, I guess.
And, also, I think something that would be more appropriate would be complaining about the name of the tips.
You could say to call it 'Random Tip That Helps In Map Making Somehow', because I think that it's a good idea to have those there.
And besides, who actualy reads all those tips, except the people who need to know that kinda crap?
What the hell? That's not a map making tip. That's just plainly immature and has nothing to do with map making.That's one joke. I don't see anything wrong with 1 joke, and it's not like people pay much attention to the map making tips anyways.
Again, this is NOT a map making tip. This should be somewhere else, like the frontpage or the DLDB front page.Well, first off, it's a way of telling people that SEN is your friend... to come here whenever you need a file.
Secondly, there are people that don't even
know there are other programs.
First of all, Thier is spelled Their. Secondly, this is a tip on english, not map making.yse and crppy l,ooking maps thwt ar barly reeduble r good and be ketp and fixing the rprblem wouldn't do nothign1!!1!! god you're comment is stupid, its like not good!!11!
For some people like me, it gets unbelievably frustrating to know that the mapping world is dominated by people who have such bad english that they don't know when to use 'too', 'to', 'two', 'their,' 'there', 'they're', 'its' and 'it's'.
This is more like "Game play ettiquet" not map making tipsAs Chu said, it was referring to map-comments.
I've noticed that in some maps, especiially unprofessional ones, you might see something like:
"omg you died wtf you must suck balls go suck your moms

and dont play again noobb!!!!!!!!".
Again, common sense. This could also be put in the tutorialsHowever, this
is soemthing that not everyone knows, so I feel it's appropriate.
Common sense for all map makers of all different levels.Well, then you'd be surprised how many maps have amazingly inappropriate and seemingly random terrain choices. As much as this should be normal, there are many, many maps in which the terrain is as I described above.
Not map making tip. Same reason as 3rd quoteI've already answered this... atleast, something very, very close.
Well duh, Even if u place normal units, u have to make sure they dont crash.Well, lots of people have problems with sprites crashing. Many probably don't even realize that potential danger they pose.
Belongs in Tutorial Database.Not really.
Some people don't know this, and so it might be a good idea to tell them.
Personally, I hate ugly maps. And having the ability to create terrain and colors that match more environments allows for more possibilites; something very important for Rpg's.