I was messing around with cloaking units, and I cloaked a mineral field, and a vespene geyser. The mineral field isn't mine-able, but the geyser is., Just a pretty cool effect for a UMS map. Cloaked Minerals.scx Yeah I've done that before.
You can cloak lots of weird stuff. You can cloak doors, but not with disable/enable.
if you place the door as a unit with SCXE or something, then brings an arbiter to it, it cloaks, as well as traps.
The cloaked minerals stuff is really neat though. What other weird units haven't been tried with this method?
Clokr_ tested every possible unit a year ago, way back when DrunkenWrestler first announced the idea at Team SE. So they've all been tested.
just place a normal mineral with 0 mineral inside and mine it, when finished, ur probes will mine the cloaked mineral, just think a bit

Ooh! That's a great idea! I'm gonna use that! Thank you, Robi!
Actually, you just mine minerals at somewhere the unit can't reach (example - island), and it will go right on to the invisible ones.
Cool trick though,but if you ACTUELLY couldnt mine the minerals it would be pointless
Unless you wanted to do it for a cool effect, like in a map rtailer or as a some kind of cool looking wall. I wonder if it will change its size with that resource amount trigger if it's cloaked, that would look really cool,