The Champion Chronicles
Current Demo Version: .20This is the second major demo release of my sweet-ass RPG, and you can bet that it'll be a nice, long game when complete. So here's the scoop:
Game type: UMS RPG
Tileset: Jungle
Dimensions: 256x256
# of players: 3
Filesize: 415 kb
You were born a Psychae, a member of a race of monsters allied to humankind. The Psychae look much like humans, except they have the ability to grow stronger after every battle by adapting their bodies for combat. Anyway, the human kingdoms have come under attack from an unknown force, so the king of the Psychae sends you out to help them.
This game's battle system is a mix between the FF3 system and Alpha(MC)'s system from Death Knights 3. Basically, you encounter enemies on the field and are taken to a special battle area. Other people can join your battles, and XP is distributed accordingly. You have a control panel at the top left of the map from which you can cast spells, use items, upgrade, and view your current entourage of supporting mercenaries and summoned spells. You move from area to area using the location chooser. This allows for far less backtracking than in most traditional StarCraft RPGs.
Your character's current strength can be determined by taking stock of his or her upgrades, current max HP%, current max MP%, and entourage. XP and money (called Bel in this game) are gained by defeating enemies. Once enough XP has been acquired, you get two level points, which can currently only be used to increase your maximum HP and MP by 1% and 1 respectively. Later on you will be able to trade level points for money (represented by Minerals), which can be used to buy upgrades for your summoned magic and your mercenaries. Upgrades are bought at the blacksmith and the mage guild, respectively.
You cast spells using mana, which is represented by Vespene Gas. As you gain levels, the number of spells you can cast will increase, but you must upgrade your max MP accordingly or you will be unable to cast your new spells. Spells come in two types - combat summons and status effects. Combat summons deal damage to your opponents, while status spells cause a myriad of effects, from poisoning your opponents with the Plague spell to preventing damage to your or your men with the Shield spell. Spells last for a set amount of time, but they can be killed. A strong opponent can brush aside your fireball, for instance, by destroying it. The best way to prevent this is to upgrade your magic in proportion to your character.
To heal yourself, you must sleep at an inn, which costs a measly 10 Bel (or, if your have no Bel, it is free). It's good to heal yourself often, because one encounter gone wrong can wreak havoc on you if you get caught unprepared, even if you have recently leveled up.
Ultimately, my goal is to make this a team-oriented game. Since each player can join the others' battles, players should be able to take on roles. One player could focus on magic, and another on physical strength. One could be a damage soaker (by upgrading mostly armor and max HP%) while the others deal out the damage from the back row (by upgrading attack strength and magic strength). A good mix of characters will be required to get some of the secrets I plan to incorporate.
This game features a full soundtrack music selected by me to improve the whole experience. I got most of it from, so go there if you need music for a project of your own.
As expected of any professional map these days, the terrain is detailed and full of sprites and crap like that. Here's a few screenies.
I think that's it. Play it and tell me what you think. Bitches.
Hey started playing your demo just now not far into just started anyway i like music and very nicely looped well i thought once you get into town and enter differnt shops and enter jungle/main world

the battle system hasnt yet.. messed up on me although i didnt quiet understand about the mage guild magic system i choose a magic type then i went to a different one ( thought you could maybe change?) anyway firstly it should zerg buildings coming up then i went to far right one and 2 invailid terran buildings where emant to show but didnt...
also still to play more but what exactly does the defilier under the ghost do? btw your map doesnt use hyper triggers ?? takes some time to have the defiler move back to under the ghost??
Oh yeah... Forgot to mention i liked your beach well i did anyway.. lol looks nice to me and also when you enter the jungle area is there meant to be "trees" outside the town or are they just meant to be those half logged trees because all i see are the half logged root trees like it was purposely placed that way ( i had a map whr ei played to many trees doodads b4 and they all just messed up?? dont know?)
You can upgrade whatever type of magic magic you want, but if you're smart, you'll upgrade the spell type you chose so you can cast stronger spells.
Heh I used StarForge and it wiped the sprites, and I didn't feel like adding 'em all back in. I'm going to redo the whole terrain part of the woods section very soon, but I'll leave it spriteless until I'm almost done the map. But you're right, it does kind of look like the forest has been logged to death.
I ripped the beach off of krazydrunkking's trick... It's not totally useless, there's going to be an optional boss you fight there eventually. Shh, don't tell anybody, but it's Poseidis, the last Drachanos. Sort of a remnant from my first map ever, Wrath of the Dragons RPG, which totally sucked. But it's worth a play-through, and I liked the story and concept enough to make a sequel, right?
Oh, yeah, the battle system should work fine when you play alone, but I'd bet a hundred dollars that it'll screw up if you try it multiplayer and try to enter each other's battles and stuff (which is the whole point of the system). It took me forever getting encounters to spawn properly in the right battle area with just one player, so I'm afraid to think about how much trial-and-error I'll have to go through to get it to work in multiplayer.
well, nozumo its called scmie... thats how i do all my sprites

Nozumo Im glad that youve finaly decided to start another map
From what I've read This map is gona own I expecialy like the idea of the 3 spell classes... Not many maps would put alota effort into spells.
PS: Gona go play Demo Now!!!
EDIT: Wow... the music looped perfectly... Did you use switches or another type of technique... The Terrain loked kinda bland and could be better with soem sprites. The battles were very hard... it was diffacult to kill those lings with your person... The music got you into the mood
Looks liek it will be a great rpg
QUOTE(007Torrasque @ Jan 9 2005, 09:55 AM)
well, nozumo its called scmie... thats how i do all my spritesĀ

Oh, yeah... Good call. I forgot that SCMIE could do that. It would be nice if Clokr_ integrated that into PROEdit (hint hint).
For the music I used Death Counters. The cool part is that different players can have different music playing, with no wait blocks affecting anything. I was skeptical of the Death Counter method at first, but it's proven its usefulness to me.
Hey nozomu great to see you get to work so fast. It's been 2 days since i helped you decide on a name and you've already released a demo. I'm going to try it out and post back here later, goodluck with this map

Very Awesome Map Nozumo, Intro was ok as well. I really like how u can choose which magic side you're on, and its amazing the map size is so small, you have alot of sounds my friend. Keep up the work and the story looks awesome, i can see that you're defenitely worth Uber Map making status

Yes he is worth the Uber.
This map so far is pretty awesome.
However, I do have one problem.
I was in a battle and summoned an Ice Grenade.
After the battle was over, I returned to where I was, correctly, next ot a tree, however, the defiler stopped centering on me.
Mmm... go Ice!
It could have better music, but oh well.
I was going to say soemthing else, but I forgot what.
Thanks for the feedback EzDay2. I'm having trouble deciding how I want the Defiler to work. If I make it center automatically all the time, it will slow your character down considerably, and I hate it when my main unit walks really slowly in an RPG. Sometimes you can walk around some terrain and lose sight of your character since the Defiler can't see around the terrain. If you have any ideas on how to remedy that, I'd appreciate your sharing them with me. I'll come up with something eventually. In fact, I have a few ideas up my sleeve right now...
A newer version has just been uploaded, and it should fix any and all town bugs you've experienced while playing multiplayer. Key word is "should". If you run into any more problems, especially with the battle system, please let me know.
don't use defilers as vision, or at least dont remove 'em so you can't see there when you walk away

I, personally, would keep creating and removing map revealers so they have vision and lose it when they walk away.. and so there's no burrowed units.
BTW, was there any real reason you needed to unvision us from ourselves..?
There are only 2 words i have for this map...:
A W E S O M E M A P !
lol i really loved the beach on the island... with the lil hidden weapons as a beach and observers going back and forth... nice idea

I was going for the Map Revealer idea, but I don't want the players to be able to see any surrounding high ground.
I have a new demo version of the map on the way with a tiny bit more of the story done. It'll be up within a few minutes of this being posted.
I have some good news and some bad new. First, the good news: Fortunately, thanks to the mountain of on-line testing RexyRex and Moogle helped me with, the loss of vision is no longer a problem and the battle system is seamless. That's right, all bugs have been worked out and now I can get to the story part of the map.
Now, the bad news: Unfortunately, I'm going to college for like 4 months and if I mapped at college my grades would suffer, so I don't do it. So I'm hoping to come home in mid-May and finish the map by mid-July. Long time, eh? Sucks, but that's the way it has to be.
I really like it, other then it's the same gameplay as Deathknights l|l but just cleaner... the terrain is pretty good, i liked the beach a little, it was nicely done.

good job.
Not too shabby, I just dont like the battling ><. Yes it's very original but I just dont like how whenever you run into one guy, you start a giant battle. Its hard on single player.
Void: Yeah, DK3 inspired me to start, but I have a few ideas that will differentiate it. I think I'm going to make it sort of linear, so you won't be able to go back very far when you complete an area. Also, I'm going to have different routes for the players to take depending on how they complete quests and which secrets they discover. I have a bunch of optional scenarios in mind already. I'm also going to rework the item system and make an "interact" sort of button (with a dropship maybe, I haven't decided) for you to pick up potions, flip switches, and speak with people.
RaVe:I haven't really done much balancing yet, so don't worry too much about single-player battles. I do want it to be harder in single player, but not that much harder. Also, battles get way easier when you use spells often. They make a big difference in this game.
Thanks for the feedback, everybody, it makes it a lot easier for me to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.
BUMP! I made a major update, so check the first post. It's looking really good so far. Try to find bugs.
QUOTE(Nozomu @ May 11 2005, 11:48 PM)
BUMP! I made a major update, so check the first post. It's looking really good so far. Try to find bugs.
Yay, your map is finally back. I remember you had to stop due to schooling and what not, but im glad to see you back to working on this map!
I just downloaded the new demo and will check it fairly soon, your basic outlines look simple enough to implement but im guessing you will have your own ideas on how to add twists(which i hope you do). So i'll try the demo and give you some more feedback, goodluck.
Hey, I still have this... hmm... it's already for download tehre... damn...
Oh yeah, this map was kewl with a battle system but the music was keep on going the same...
So noz, this map back on the working block? if so i love test it again with you

; hope see good progress in this hehe i loved it first time i played way back. Good luck noz~
Sadly, I'm heading back to Boston very soon. But I did some more work after this latest demo, and it's looking pretty good. If SI somehow ports SCMDraft 2 to OS X this summer I'll continue work on it, but if that doesn't happen that I'll just try to work on it whenever I'm home, which will be a rare occurrence. I honestly can't say that I'll be home for long enough for the rest of my life to finish the map, so I'm hoping that I'll have a chance to work on it on my Powerbook. But expect small updates every once in a while over the summer. If it turns out that I won't have a chance to ever finish it (it'll take a lot to convince me that that'll ever happen, but it's still a possibility) then I'll just let people have the unprotected version, and let somebody else finish it. Doubtful, though. I'll try to get out one more demo with some new content by Saturday, but don't count on it.
Update: Added a bunch of screenies. Now you can look and see if this map is worth playing before you even download it. Or something.