Well, in my battle it's finally my turn, but it seems f*cked up.My choices were:
Elemental Destruction Quick Attack
I clicked on Elemental Destruction, which brought me to(after many clicks, actualy):
Something(Don't remember) Normal Attack
And I kept going through, it kept throwing me back to the first selection, E.Destruction, and Quick Attack(although once normal attack).
Once E. Destruction brought me to:
E. Fury E.Fury
?!?!?! WTF ?!?!?!
It's not letting me attack.
Wow, just for no reason, list of attacks I've seen appear for me so far:
Fury of the Gods, Darkness Spell, Quick Attack, Normal Attack, Elemental Destruction, Smash
I don't think the battle system is fully operational yet. All I get is Surrender, even after accepting. :wha:
And anyways, I don't think the different attacks do anything special. It appears that they're just cool names for "Attack"...
What browser are you using.
Oh yes, as far as I'm conserned, the RPG battles are done. The other person didn't attack you yet Mini Moose 2707.
I know that they're just cool names.
BTW how do I use magic?
I use Netscape 7.0
Completed? WTF? I thought you were supposed to make them SC attacks, not 12-years-old newb names...
And I beleive IE is best to use... The whole site is designed for IE and not Netscape.
Well, the site technically runs on any browser (may not) but if anyone has problems with something other than IE, its not my problem.
Anyways, netscape is your problem. For the RPG, IE must be used.
SC attacks would be hard. What do you have in mind?
I don't know..... Just use SC attacks; AKA, Psi Blades, Claw attacks, [marine's gun name] (can't remember ;P), etc... Could as well put specific attacks depending on the race you are; if it's possible, I'm ready to help find names and other things.... IF its possible...
Oh, I should use Internet Explorer...
well, that jst Effing sucks. 'Cause I hate IE.
Guess I just have to put up wiht it. >:P
It doesn't suck. It's one of the better browsers. I think I've got 5.0. My idea of a sucky browser is AOL.
You may have an opinion of IE for all I care. 70% of all visiters here are using IE. Majority rules
Well, here's my opinion. IE is a bad browser, but lately, Netscape has just dived downhill in terms of quality, so, IE is the least worse alternative. Of course, I haven't tried so of the other browsers so I can't speak for them...
I used to like Netscape, until they were bought out by AOL and they decided to flood it with installing programs you dont need.
the battle system works fine for me exept that rune_scape never attacks me.
That's funny, because in my battle before where I could only surrender, that's who I was fighting.
Well, IE works for me.
I don't get many problems with Netscape, no flooding of stupid installation BS.
So, my probblems's over and I had a battle.
Thanks for the answers all.
Heres how battles are made.
Person 1 Creates battle > Person 2 Activates VIA PM > Person 1 then can do his first attack > Then Person 2 can fight.
Thats the key.
QUOTE(Yoshi da Sniper @ Jan 4 2004, 05:59 PM)
Heres how battles are made.
Person 1 Creates battle > Person 2 Activates VIA PM > Person 1 then can do his first attack > Then Person 2 can fight.
Thats the key.
Yes, I noticed that after I had that first battle I had just mentioned.
And the second and third ones I had.
why do I have mysterious Kills/Deaths for no reason(that is known to me)?
Could any1 tell me?
QUOTE(ent @ Jan 4 2004, 02:30 PM)
the battle system works fine for me exept that rune_scape never attacks me.
It's not my turn to attack so why aren't you attacking me? :bonk:
I'm perfectly content with IE...
erm no its your turn to attack i cant attack...