Ive read the topic up top in the new forum and i wanted to raise a concern, people already spam to get to regular, and im thinking that doing this is going to encourge alot more of it, anyways, opened up topic for dicussion.
Comment, question, flame etc
Yes I agree that it will increase alot of spam...but it is just another "fun" level you need to acheive. I COULD make some people be more active here in a non-spamming-way.
Doubt it, we will get alot more
"Uh yhe, do it like that guy above said to do it, lololollololololololololololololololololololololololololololol"
Well there is only so much you can do. Even without the *Elite* thing there are posts that go "Yeah do what he said".
I would talke it off but it is not my call. Maybe make a poll?
But notice the people that do that are a. wanting minerals or b. wanting regular status
If you read above, it states that I'll be watching for spam. If you think an individual is flooding and spamming, you may contact me at any time to review the posts in question.
Minerals and posts are not given if the post is under a certain amount of characters. Sure, you can BS your way into going over the limit, but it gets difficult to do so.
There is not much you can do about spam except warn those who do it and teach other not to do the same or else... Most people just want minerals.
I still don't think this "elite" status is not that great. Regular is good enough or maybe make the post count for regulars go up a bit...but then we will still have the same problem. Huge dilemma!
We may add some more stuff to the Elite group as features pass by. You are correct, Regular has many desirable advantages. Elite is just meant to be a status that takes x5 times more effort to achive then Regular does. Its the uber status that a member can get automatically. I felt that another status with super abilities such as no flood control (at that point, would you honestly be spamming and flooding) and 20mb space.
As I said, it'll be updated with new abilities later.
Hey, It'll give me a reason to post in Map Making Assistance and Concepts.
I think elites should have more...
Maybe also let elites have special bonuses like double minerals per post?
QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ Jan 18 2005, 11:52 PM)
I think elites should have more...
Maybe also let elites have special bonuses like double minerals per post?
That would just rig the entire site. We'll give more abilities as we see fit.
Elite doesn't give you many more privieges like member to regular. It isn't worth the spamming.
Can promote themselves to moderator/administrator?
btw, wtf is the point of this category?
and in the "administration" heading you forgot the leading <<.
QUOTE(DT_Battlekruser @ Jan 19 2005, 01:18 AM)
Elite doesn't give you many more privieges like member to regular. It isn't worth the spamming.
btw, wtf is the point of this category?
and in the "administration" heading you forgot the leading <<.
There is no point in that category. Its just there for the sake of randomness.
Elite gives you a nice gold name, no flood control, deletable topics (the ability which was removed from regulars, because I feel that some aren't responsible enough to decide what topics of theres should be deleted) and double space storage (which will come in handy with the map backup thing soon). We'll add more stuff to it later.
Fixed the <<
And we should add the
tag to the BBCode help. I forgot to add that when i wrote it

Eh... I thought you were asking for a new bbcode... I didn't know /.me existed.
Yoshi, I like near enough all ideas you have done so to this site so far, But this Elite one, It's poinltess

Sure you say Elite can do a few more things, Why not then let regular do all these new fuctions, Insted of elite just insed of say 4000 posts to make regular make it 5000 ot 6000.
Sure you say you will keep an clsoe eye out for spammers and crap to reach elite. But you can allwasy miss one or two people. The that will become unfair to other members.
Sorry just i feel that Elite is pointless.
Well, elite's also there for easy recognition/fame. I think that's really the primary "why" this group was amde
If people were to spam to get to 'Elite' the that'd be ALOT of spamming, most people on SEN thats are regulars or members dont even have 400-500 posts and they been on SEN for a long time, but Elite is 1500 posts, i think someone would notice if someone were to spam to get to that.

I just hate when people say something in a map topic like:
good job on map so far can't wait till it's out
and never post in the topic again or really even ever look again...
I think people should post something that has a meaning or helpful to the topic...

Okay, this topic is getting repetitive, so I'll just sum it up:
- Elites are for fame, and have double attachment space are main features
- MORE features will be added, so stay tuned
- People think its not enough of a change.
- Bottom line: Elites are here to stay, we'll work on their abilities.