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Staredit Network -> UMS Production -> Aeon of the Hawk
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA-Meta on 2005-01-20 at 05:38:23
Hey hey, I'm new here. cool1.gif

For those of you who are into SC campaigns, I got good news. I've been working for nearly 1 year on a Starcraft: Broodwar campaign, and I'm glad to announce that it is ready for release.

The name is Aeon of the Hawk, and it takes you to the distant fringe world of Athlys III; formerly a colony of the Terran Confederacy, Athlys III declared its independence and assumed a neutral position among the Terran worlds. The numerous corporations, owners of Research & Development facilities and production centers on the planet rule it with no goals other than preserving their wealth and expanding their markets. The provisional government is nearly absent and lacks the powers necessary to challenge these companies.

This chaotic environment highly interests the powerful nations of the Koprulu Sector, who are eager to explore regions such as the Athlys system and gain footholds on them. The Terran Dominion, The Umojan Protectorate and the Kel-Morian Combine, factions with bitter convivence, sent their ambassadors to fringe worlds such as Athlys III to hire the services of the greedy, yet effective corporations.

A planet far from the influence of the major powers; a nation without a law, and with a puppet government whose power is undermined; a world home to countless mercenaries. Would there be a better place to start a war?

There are plenty of minigames in the campaign, specially later on. None of it uses the typical Blizzard build & destroy gameplay, so you probably won't be bored.

The campaign is meant to provide you some challenge, so get ready for dying miserably a few times. Keep multiple save files and save often as well.

Most of the maps are "cumulative", so the difficulty is a parable: if your performance in the beginning of a map is bad, the map will get harder and harder as you advance. If you perform well, though, it'll remain easy. There are secret objectives in most maps, and these often reward you with bonuses, more units, more resources, etc.

Nearly all maps have music(mostly old school game music, because I like how it mixes with the old school feeling of SC), custom sfx, new portraits, new graphics and new doodads. There's a bit of Rock'n'Roll Racing, Shadowrun, Super Metroid and some old SNES music in there. smile.gif

The campaign's focus is on story, ambience and gameplay, so if you just want an "interactive movie", stay away. ermm.gif

Some screenshots:

Stealth mission:
user posted image

Shady(and hot happy.gif) characters infest Athlys III:
user posted image

A mission in high orbit:
user posted image

BEER!!! wink.gif
user posted image

Bike chase in the chaotic streets of New Dailey:
user posted image

Here are the download links:
Executable file - needs BW 1.10 or it will crash
Map 1
Map 2
1.10 files. Make backups of staredit.exe, starcraft.exe, storm.dll and patch_rt.mpq(all in your SC folder) and paste these files there.

Have fun. Feedback is welcome. cool1.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by LegacyWeapon on 2005-01-20 at 12:29:22
It looks quite nice, except we need to degrade our SC to v1.10 and that means reinstalling and applying that patch. I don't think many of us would actually be bother to do that. I'm sorry.

Very interesting, looks like you thought it out and planned it very well. I give you a congrats!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA-Meta on 2005-01-20 at 14:27:12
If you download the 1.10 files I linked to, you won't need to uninstall it to downgrade. It'd be very annoying to completely uninstall it, indeed. Just paste the files on your SC dir(replacing the current ones) and you'll automatically switch to 1.10. To return to 1.11B, just run the Blizz path or get it through Bnet. smile.gif

In fact I might scrap all the Memgraft(unit spell) changes, since I'm not sure if the campaign will use them. The exe would be 1.11B compatible then. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by .Coko[CK] on 2005-01-20 at 14:29:33
Trust me, this campaigns is amazing, and worthy of a look by anyone. Its just as good and enjoyable as the best PRG's out there, and its a Campaign set over a number of maps, so its got continue play.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Felagund on 2005-01-20 at 15:59:24
It's tight man tight. This might be the first mod I ever download. Woot.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by .Coko[CK] on 2005-01-20 at 17:10:13
Not really a MOD, but its close enough, what for Mesk's TC...IT LOOKS AMAZING
Report, edit, etc...Posted by ChaosRyder on 2005-01-20 at 19:42:16
Hey, OH oh oh, how da hell did you make those little things! I mean the table, the beer, changing the picture of the person, the barrels, going behind the skyscraper??!!! I gess it's sort of a mod, by this thing looks too great. Don't feel to downgrade to 1.10 so won't play it for now, maybe I will one day. I will download it anyways.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by TheOddAngel on 2005-01-20 at 19:54:35
Its a mod and he animated his things...
The things where you go behind the building is jsut another sprite int he mod not the actual terrain pieces

BTW: Please post a Readme because I don't undertsnad any of hwta you said to do to install it...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2005-01-20 at 19:57:52
Playing the first level now, i love how you made it so you can go behind the skyscrapers, i assume its a custom doodad/sprite
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Sipher on 2005-01-20 at 20:58:32
Wow..I am speechless..It looks great. Great work on the campaign dude, I hope you make more in the future.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA-Meta on 2005-01-21 at 13:29:52
Thanks guys. I got more stuff being made, for this and for other campaign as well. cool1.gif

To install, just place the executable anywhere and the maps within the "maps" folder of SC. In example, Maps/AotH. Then start Hawk.exe, Single Player, select "Play Custom", find the maps on the directory you extracted then and voilá. smile.gif

To downgrade to 1.10 without having to reinstall, download the files I linked to and then extract the files in your SC dir. It'll ask you to replace the existing ones(1.11B if you play on Bnet), do so. If you don't want to use Blizzard's 1.11B executable(downloadable on Blizzard's site), backup the following files before extracting the files: staredit.exe, starcraft.exe, storm.dll and patch_rt.mpq.

These are the only files that change from 1.10 to 1.11b, see? If you want to have 1.11B, then get it from Bnet, from Blizzard's executable or just paste the 1.11b versions of the 4 files I mentioned.

Btw, anyone done playing the first map? What do you think of it? smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Moogle on 2005-01-21 at 14:05:14
After playing map 6 hours and alot saving, i very much enjoyed your map. BUT I WANT MORE MAPS! 2 maps kinda a shocker for good campaign Oo; how many maps going be all up Meta?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA-Meta on 2005-01-21 at 21:57:37
Aeon will have about 7 or 8 maps, and I got another entire campaign with 18 maps being polished right now.

If you're lusting to play more interesting maps, go to for more interesting SC campaigns. Plenty of interesting, massive trigger-based campaigns are coming out this month, my favorites being Wicked Reality and Newrand Citadel. All with custom music, good plot, great challenge and neat triggering IMO. smile.gif

What did you like most in my maps? What do you think could be improved? smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Moogle on 2005-01-22 at 09:05:55
Map was pretty much fine, i love explosions!! lots of kabooming stuff!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by The Chronic on 2005-01-23 at 16:29:07
Wow, simply amazing, SA-Meta! This is by far the greatest campaign I've ever played!

The storyline is simply enthralling, it's got the "good book you can't put down" effect to it. Slightly confusing, but it all works out I suppose. I can't wait to see what will unfold next, and who is the mastermind in this whole conspiracy. Great character development and dialogue, by the way. Every character seems unique. Cool usage of street dialect.

The settings and environment is amazing, the run down metropolis is astonishing. It's a bit difficult to navigate in map 2 though, the tight corridors become jammed by civilians sometimes (doesn't pose a problem, just an inconvenience). The new doodads, sound effects, and unusually good ambience aspects make this campaign a winner.

One of the definite highlights in this campaign is the game play. The maps don't have any build and destroy missions, which makes me happy. All the available minigames and such require good strategy and such. However, could you add some sort of indicator (besides the one transmission) of when the rigged tanks are approaching? The building was decimated twice, and both times I had no clue what had happened.

Incredible work, SA-Meta! Keep up the good work, and please release more maps soon!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Moogle on 2005-01-24 at 04:28:45
Well i went and played it all again. This time i have more to say.

The maps were awesome gameplay was great, wasnt to easy like some campaigns are where you can breeze though the map, which i really liked about it. Also game was very well created, lots of action and lots of things to do. Terrain was nice. Well i got owned by Goliaths few tymes spawned out nowhere Oo; I lost afair few bikes during it, hehe damn i sucked at first. Mods were nice in the map, expect Fleetwood looked out place with his unit icon, Like the ghosts one. Due fact rest were same Oo. But overall i loved your campaign i want play more. happy.gif as Thronic said This greatest campaign GJ Mate!
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA-Meta on 2005-01-24 at 05:00:48
Thanks for constructive comments, guys. Wow, apparently I even got a lurker(Chronic) to exit his den and give me comments. That's nice! cool1.gif

When I made this gameplay/ambience based campaign, it was somewhat aimed to please a Bnet audience, since, as Moogle said, there are lots of easy "press A and watch your super hero kill everything in the path" campaigns. smile.gif

I'm a Bnet player who enjoys both melee and ums, so I made it require some micro.

The campaign in the end will have around 10 maps, but most will not be as huge as map 2. For future maps, expect:
- at least three new characters
- space battles
- micro wars minigame
- more new doodads
- plenty of plot twists, hehe tongue.gif

What did you think about difficulty? Most players from the campaign community complain a lot about it - they say my maps are way too hard - and end giving up or quitting. But campaign players are generally not skilled like UMS or Melee players, so I tend to disregard such comments, specially because all maps are tested over and over again by at least 3 people. I personally think they're balanced, and that the player should die a few times before succeeding. wink.gif

And, has anyone else played the maps as well? Feedback is appreciated. Bring it on. smile.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Moogle on 2005-01-24 at 05:06:38
That is very true, campaign players use them slow dull kinda things. Your maps bit more faster and you have think quick or your dead. Which i enjoy. Your given me the will power make my own campaign, yet i dont know how mod or make the doodads / gfxs do it so i guess i have look for site for details happy.gif; well i found map semi-hard but that was good gave me challage and i beat it with abit of hassle alot of saving. happy.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by Blu on 2005-01-27 at 19:46:12
The mods ok. BUT IT SCREWED UP SC!

i cant play sc on anymore...
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA-Meta on 2005-01-28 at 03:53:54
QUOTE(Blu @ Jan 27 2005, 06:46 PM)
The mods ok. BUT IT SCREWED UP SC!

i cant play sc on anymore...

It's a single player campaign meant to be played on 1.10. It has nothing to do with Bnet. Use the standard Starcraft loader(starcraft.exe) to go to bnet.
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2005-01-28 at 06:22:58
Whens next maps?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by SA-Meta on 2005-01-28 at 13:09:53
QUOTE(High @ Jan 28 2005, 05:22 AM)
Whens next maps?

Hopefully in a week or so. cool1.gif
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PsykoticNin on 2005-01-28 at 16:28:21
k i did everything u said, but when i started playing the map.. i noticed there were chunks of terran that were blank.. im guessing thats where the sprites were suposet o be but it wasnt, just a black blank.. i really want to play this with all the modifications.. so do u have ne idea what i should do
Report, edit, etc...Posted by High on 2005-01-28 at 16:38:39
Tahst what happens when you run it without the mod, did you run it from the exe. that you downloaded?
Report, edit, etc...Posted by PsykoticNin on 2005-01-28 at 16:50:54
yes i did, the hawk.exe right?
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