I'm not an image man... that's one area yoshi definately has over me...
But whatcha think? Would anyone be interested in drop down menus? It's something me and yoshi have been discussing...
Edit ~ For the headers (what you put your mouse over to get the menu), you would be able to customize them as you wish. Forum will go to the forum index, but you can make the games header go to armies, for example. That way, you won't have to go into the menu to get the most common thing you love.
yea that would seem alot better and more organized
-oni's Words of Wisdom-
i helped, ask IP for conformation! well not really, i was kind of like a wing man, but its nice IP
Don't care since I never use those links anyway.
That would be nice since I look at the forums in a specific order.
I dunno, it might take some getting used to but it seems to be much more organized.
I constantly refer to the tutorials database to point people there.
I thought drop down menus (nice looking ones) could be done with a bit of coding.
IP appears to be way better in javascript than I am.
I'm going to change the layout around this weekend to fit with that (think of it as SEN v3.01) and make a few tweaks here and there.
you mean SEN v4.01 dont you yoshi?
I really don't care what you do. But if i were a dictator of SEN and did things my own way, i wouldn't do the dropdown menu.
Well first mostly because it seems to waste lots of space on the top banner. With the drop down menus it would only make like 4 words on the top with lots of wasted green space. That's just my thought
The only problem I have with javascript is that when you have to much of it your site LAGS. Ask me and my poor invisionfree forum. I had so many mods it took like a minute per page (DSL, nice brand-new computer too)....
QUOTE(isolatedpurity @ Jan 20 2005, 04:02 PM)
You're such a poop dtbk.
Whoa... the the admin flamed dt?

QUOTE(MillenniumArmy @ Jan 21 2005, 06:45 AM)
I really don't care what you do. But if i were a dictator of SEN and did things my own way, i wouldn't do the dropdown menu.
Well first mostly because it seems to waste lots of space on the top banner. With the drop down menus it would only make like 4 words on the top with lots of wasted green space. That's just my thought
I agree. Granted, it would be nice to access all of the games through the use of a drop down menu, but that is the only use I would have for it. Besdies that one, I would hate the drop down menus.
QUOTE(RexyRex @ Jan 21 2005, 09:05 AM)
The only problem I have with javascript is that when you have to much of it your site LAGS. Ask me and my poor invisionfree forum. I had so many mods it took like a minute per page (DSL, nice brand-new computer too)....
Ya... Besides, what about those people who don't have Java (such as me)? Would it mean they would have problems accessing those drop down menus?
I'm almost 100% sure (So 99% =P) that you would be able to use those menus.
We're checking it in the Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer browsers.
..Does this mean we are going to have those sexay drop-down menus?
I have to figure something out for java disabled people. Either we'll make the menus an option in the control panel or I'll have to find some way to make an automatic java/no java switch.
Methinks we can put the same links at the bottom of all pages, or have a link stating that you dont have java in (in which it'll store in a cookie you dont have it, and check there or something).
I don't want it, so I think it would be best for people to disable it in their control panel.
Nasty gaps between the words there. Hope it isn't worse when you streach the page.
Anyways to me it just depends on how it is arranged. Like the most commonly used buttons would be annoying in a submenu. Like i click the 'forums' button all the time.
Or... like I already stated, the you can set up the four main buttons to a link of your choice. So "Forums" could point to either the Forum Index if you wish. You can make "Games" point to Armies if that's your favorite game... you can make "Mapping" point to the Downloads Database...
I might make it five menus: Forums, Community, Mapping, Games, Site...
Or yoshi can make a sexy layout that the menus would be contained in a more consentrated area, but then there'd have to be two images for the nav section, one for menus and one to contain all the links for people who can't use or don't want to use the menus.
QUOTE(SA_Max71 @ Jan 21 2005, 03:55 PM)
I don't want it, so I think it would be best for people to disable it in their control panel.
Too bad, because we're running out of places to put links. We don't have a sidebar layout (because the bigger space is better) so we come with the problem of running out of link space.
QUOTE(isolatedpurity @ Jan 21 2005, 04:17 PM)
Or... like I already stated, the you can set up the four main buttons to a link of your choice. So "Forums" could point to either the Forum Index if you wish. You can make "Games" point to Armies if that's your favorite game... you can make "Mapping" point to the Downloads Database...
I might make it five menus: Forums, Community, Mapping, Games, Site...
Or yoshi can make a sexy layout that the menus would be contained in a more consentrated area, but then there'd have to be two images for the nav section, one for menus and one to contain all the links for people who can't use or don't want to use the menus.
The top should only have dropdowns. Either we have a button at the bottom of the page (and when you aren't logged in, at the top to) to swap it into catagoric link mode (which the cats will link to a page with the same things that would be in the dropdown).