1. WOW Tuxedo your my hero and so is Endaire. It's an honor to be recognized by TUX
2. I originally considered the idea of elemental exposure and growth but now im thinking about the variations of the minerals because the Ice tileset is Lacking in Fire which is a the prime element of dragons. Instead, there will be 2 different types of incubators that the players (with drones) will take there newly created eggs to hatch into either a male or a female. Later in the game, players will evolve into different variants of dragons according to the minerals in there diet when EX: Players achieve Legend they will either evolve into a Gold,Silver,Copper,Brass Dragon. Oh and i dont know who should deserve credit for creating the original Sim Dragon map because its not protected; there are at least 5 versions of it, when i finish this project ill submit the Sim Dragon Maps i have and will give credit to the version's editor.
3.Below im gonna post a Update of my progress, i truly hope all the bb codes will work:give thx to yo mama.
Sim Dragon 2 Update
Overall Completion 60%[/center][center][progress]60[/center][/progress]
Terrain 90%[/center][center][progress]90[/center][/progress]
Unit Placement & Doodads 40%[/center][center][progress]40[/center][/progress]
Triggering & Locations 30%[/center][center][progress]30[/center][/progress]
More questions,comments,or suggestions welcome...