and error always pops upsayingh that it i forget. but yesterday(or before) i could download.
are you guys like...updating it or sumthing?
cause i wanted the staredit see what it sounds like lol
plus when i try to backup my file onto this doesnt. i put the file in...then i wait...wait soem more...until fianlyl i give up. i dont think my map is htat big...
2.5 megas....dam the music is large.
lol omg...when i put it into forge it turned into 8 megas....what the? i only added terrain...
Downloading files works... did you check it recently?
If you have a 56k modem, uploading a big file would take some time...
nope i have DSL.
plus it said internet exploreer couldnt fidn the file.
thast was the error message i forgot earlier.
OMG>..i cant download anything from anywhere....i think someting messed up?...
crap uh oh uh
i cant downlado music! oh no again!
Can you post a screen shot of what it says when you get the error? It might help...
i fixed it....i think some files indeed were messed up.
ok thx...some1 can delete this now...