its like a lot of boxes inside a box. it is also based on Mispalced D.
and something new(maby not?)
a kind of buggy auto civ selecter thingy.(FIXED)
hero bunkers...starforge to make it look good but makes the map like 5 times bigger(what the heck?)
hero tanks and wraith.
thast all for now i think. its on beta 18 lol.
any ideas?
Here's an idea, post the map. -_- aint proctected=( oh well...what the point of posting a proctected map.
but but...some1 is going to steal it...
not the members...didi it ever occur to u a guest could come in and take the maps?
and i worked hard on this...
can guest even access this?
il put it on once i fix a few things.
oh by the triggers work while in a force with no players in it?
also can you put hyper trigs into p12? would it work?
It is in its beta. No one is going to steal it.
Not saying your map is no good, but why steal a map that is not near being complete?
can you read? its 98% complete....
i just want to touch up on it. it looks like a child made it lol...not enuf ideas. but when i put it trough starforge itll look great. i put 5 betas in forge and i didnt use em...i had to go back to xtra cause of sumthnig things i diditn get in forge.
I never read your signature. I just saw this
its on beta 18 lol.
I did not really get the on beta 18 so I just though it was in its beta stages.
Then just finnish the map and protect it and attach it here.
why woudl i protect it? if i post it here.....
anyways if i didi ud unprotect it lol
time for pro edit!
If your map is nearly complete, and you're not posting it, theres no real feedback we can give. Sorry.