i done that.....for the music. the problem is...you cant have too much. or else no space. plus you really have to have perfect timing to make it good. like if you make a clickly game(for example) and you have to click every 3 seconds...you wouldnt want the game to sometimes go 3 or 4 seconds cause it would mess em up.
anyways...thats probably the best way to work without messing anything up.
also on my other post some1 said you can put a wait on a unsude computer, though, then you can onky have 1 trigger in ther with a long wait and it wastes a slot. and too bad you cant use the trigers for player 9-infinity!
and shoot...my defense has problem...it seems if the timmngi is wrong it doesn play at all! hm?
uh oh. but i think i can fix it but i have to go back to xtra(losing everything i did on forge) to do triggers efefectivly...lol
oh well...this isnt my first time(liek 10th time gonig bcak and redoing)
but i got a new idea heheheheheh!
awww shoot i forgot! i keep forgeting stuff to day! i think it was about using switched for a backup(incase something goes wrong) or sumhting.