well i was maknig a RPG and i came up with a system for peopel to go in and out of buildings, using the same trigegr over and over again at different locations on the map.
lets assume you are doing this with player one and seven(friendly computer).
first you need 5(or more) locations.
lable one "p1" and the other "p1 leave"
then make a spot where there are 2 beacons saying "yes" or "no" and put trigegs over em.
also make an area(mines will be "yes/no arrive" for them to arrive next to the 2 beacons!
this system is for an Inn:
then make triggers liek this:
Trigger |
Description: |
center "p1" on unit |
Players: |
¤ p1 |
Conditions: |
¤ always |
Actions: |
¤ center location "p1" on 1 men owned by player 1
¤ preserve trigger |
Trigger |
Description: |
center "p1" on unit except in buildings |
Players: |
¤ p1 |
Conditions: |
¤ switch "inside" is cleared |
Actions: |
¤ center location "p1 leave" on 1 men owned by player 1
¤ preserve trigger |
Trigger |
Description: |
Go into Inn |
Players: |
¤ p1 |
Conditions: |
¤ switch "inside" is cleared
¤ p7 brings atleast 1 Inn to "p1"
¤ switch "go out" is cleared |
Actions: |
¤ set switch "inside"
¤ set switch "go out"
¤ display text "Do you want to heal? only 10 GP!"
¤ center screen on "yes/no arrive"
¤ preserve trigger |
Trigger |
Description: |
yes heal |
Players: |
¤ p1 |
Conditions: |
¤ switch "inside" is set
¤ p1 bring atleat 1 men to "yes"
¤ p1 accumulates atleast 10 minerals |
Actions: |
¤ center view "p1 leave" on 1 men owned by player 1
¤ display text "all healed!"
¤ subtract 10 minerals
¤ teleport 1 men owned by p1 to "p1 leave"
¤ clear switch "inside"
¤ preserve trigger |
Trigger |
Description: |
outside after |
Players: |
¤ p1 |
Conditions: |
¤ p7 bring 0 buildings to "p1 leave"
¤ "go out" is set" |
Actions: |
¤ clear switch "go out"
¤ preserve trigger |
ok this is how it works:
when you bring your person next to the Inn, you will teleprot to the yes/no section
But your "p1 arrive" will stll be there, make sure you set teh switch before you teleprto or else youll be stuck there because the trigegr folowed you.
then when you are doen healing it will teleport you back the the place you were before. and the last trigger is becasue so you wont go back in rigth away...you have to walk away then back in.
keep in mind you have to make a new trigger for each person and a switch for each too.
this saves alot of trouble making a new trigger for every inn you put.
and a bonus!
you can use this system for buying stuff...just change it in "p7 brings 1 supply center to "p1" " and cahnge a few triggers. but then you will have to make a store somewhere. and if they bring it to yes then you teleport them there....and when they are done they go to (door?) and get out.
this is (i hope original) idea, make a trigger every time they go onto a "no" beacon they will go back to "p1 arrive". it works!
also this makes the map almsost location free, except the part if your ship blows up or sumthnig.(caves, transport, etc.)
that means your map can be change into a different game but using the same triggers! very good if u are an RPG maker, so you dotn have to remake trigges over and over again
i made this map last year and it uses this system...maby mroe or less i forget! you can use it i guess...for help...since i gave up on it but i am making an RPG using it.