well im already using the countdown timer like in the diplo games get money at 2 minutes every 5 minutes but then i realized how am i supposed to make short lasting spells? well i came up with an idea and tell me if this will work correctly i couldnt get on to test if it works or not
Player 1 Acumulates atleast 4 Vesphene Gas
Player 1 Brings Atleast one civilian to Spell 1
Set Switch 1 (spell 1)
Move all Civilians from location spell 1 to spell respawn
Give 30 Custom to Player 1
Preserve Trigger
Spell 1 is set (switch 1)
Modify Resources for player 1 Subtract 1 Vesphene Gas
Preseve Trigger
Player 1 Custom's score is exactly 0
Spell 1 is set
(Do whatever you need to do to end spell here)
Clear Spell 1
Preserve Trigger
The good thing about this is not everyones spells are controlled by the countdown timer so they dont cross over casting spellls at different times
if it works
Give me your opinions on this and its effectiveness
Note: i will be posting the demo for the map im making After this is answered and i think of 3 more ocean based spells (or to speed it up susgest some)
You can also use the death counter. Twelve deaths equals one second. So you would have it that, when the switch occurs, the Current Player has one death adding up, then preserving the trigger. When you reach the amount of deaths that the spell lasts ( Example: Multiply twelve by the number of seconds you want the spell to last ). What I am getting at this is that this wont stop other triggers, it is a lot less confusing and uses a lot less triggers.
thanks for the spells guys and the counter is fine but thanks
ill have demo out soon i just need to add buildings for each person
oh and one more thing the command centers are starting with 4 scvs and there not supposed to im pretty sure i just forgot to not randomize start location and thats why but if its something else let me know
If you didn't have random start locations, then you need to make a trigger that removes the SCVs in the beginning, if not then you'll have to simply find a way to get rid of this error.