As of right now, this only works for 1.12b because not all of the offsets have been found. Once all of the offsets have been found for 1.13f I'll update the map. Basically what this does is it detects which unit you have in your first build queue slot. Then it detects your zergling burrowing and can make the correct action. So say in your map you have a lot of things that you can do such as Interact, Examine, Use, and Pickup. You could give each of those a unit such as a zealot, dragoon, high templar, and a dark templar. You could select one of those for the quickuse by building the unit at the gateway and use all the others from a dropship. Here's a screenshot of what I mean.:
When you have a zealot in the first queue and burrow the zergling it does action 1.
When you have a dragoon in the first queue and burrow the zergling it does action 2.
Here's the map, you need to downgrade to 1.12b to use it until I can update the map when all of the offsets are found for 1.13f.